
Hello! My name is Tip and this is my cool first NeoCities. Yes, this was a template. It was made by Repth.

I have a Rentry, made by a friend of mine.


If you want a more detailed synopsis on what each section on the left is, here you go.

Home: That's here, nitwit. Not much to say.

Interests: I'll gush about random things I enjoy here. Might link very specific ramblings about stuff too.

Projects: The things I'm doing! Also known as: my future. And my past. Cool how that works.

Blog: I'll post little entries about what's going on with me in here. This will also have very specific ramblings about stuff, but not directly tied to my interests.

OCs: My original characters. Be warned, they're almost entirely Homestuck OCs.

Promos: A list of people who are cooler than me's stuff. All awesome.

Contact: How you can talk to me, if you care enough to do that.

Changelog: A directory of the changes I make to the site.