
This page is for my personal interests, and will probably link to tons of its own pages. Be warned, I love some of these things a LOT.


Homestuck may very well be the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I found the first book in a Barnes and Nobles, and having an online friend who had been saying how good Homestuck was, I decided to read it for fun. Little did I know, over two years later, it would be my biggest interest and the leading factor in many of my own creations.

There's just so much to say about it. There's no possible way I could fit everything here, but I guess I could go over some of the essentials.

Homestuck follows the online gaming mishaps of four very sad kids named John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley. What starts as simple gags about the game not making any sense, plush puppet rumps, and lots of bathtubs in places where they shouldn't be ends up spinning wildly out of control into a psychoanalaytical look at cool facades, killing past and future versions of your own self, and juggalo clowns murdering alien catgirls.

It's a lot. I pride myself in having a better understanding of the first five Acts (about the first half of the story) than most people, but I cannot bring myself to read Act 6 (the other half). The story starts sucking a whole bunch. But I do own all 6 of the Homestuck books, as well as the Epilogues which I can never read, the first Problem Sleuth book, and a plushie of WV from the comic. And some cool shirts.

Say what you want about its creator, Homestuck is, in my opinion, an absolute masterpiece from Act 1 to Act 5. It perfectly balances dumb humor, captivating characters and progression, and an awesome sense of scale and interesting artstyle. It's everything I could ever want in a comic.


Recess is a Disney TV show started in 1997 and eventually ended in 2001. It followed six main characters in the fourth grade, telling various half-hour stories about life in elementary school and a time when children could be free.

I enjoy Recess because it's just nice and fun. It brings me back to good times, and the more moral-based storytelling helps keep the characters grounded while still being out there in its portrayal of a K-6 environment. It's not the most in-depth thing, and not the most funny or unique, but it's got a lot of charm. The more I rewatch it, the more I enjoy the well-written characters it offers up.

I think this show did a very good job at making every main character stand out and feel just as great as the next. I don't think I have a favourite or least favourite because they're all so goddamn good. Also, this show has an incredibly cohesive narrative with the same plotpoints being remebered, even seasons later. It makes it very rewarding to watch every episode and find out the things that happened did matter.


I absolutely love music. I think the album format can be the most powerful way to get ideologies and enjoyable experiences out there, and I have lots of proof down below! But I love many genres of music, though specifically the rock genre. And anything later than 2009 seems to be off-limits to me :( But I collect physical CDs as well, and I have a considerable collection. It's fun to have reminders about all of these different concise experiences, all put together and forever remembered because of me owning them. Some of my CDs are very forgotten about albums, and it feels good to have some more unique things in my collection (though nothing is super expensive or rare).

One of my favourite genres of music is ska-punk, as well as individually punk. I think the fast-paced tempos, relatable lyrics, and fun nature of these albums makes me very attracted to them, even if they are known to be very "for its time" in the quality department. Some of my favourite albums include Smash by the Offspring, Anthem by Less Than Jake, Goldfinger by Goldfinger, Alone in a Crowd by Catch 22, Last Stop Suburbia by Allister, and Losing Streak by Less Than Jake.

Of course, I like more than just ska-punk. I have an affinity for many different albums not in that genre. Some of my favorites there include Songs for the Deaf by the Queens of the Stone Age, Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Superunknown by Soundgarden, Left for Dead by Lustra, Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World, and Definitely Maybe by Oasis.